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Archive a User 🗄
This section shows how to "archive" users in Canyou. Archiving a user will revoke their access to the platform as well as changing their profile status to "archived". Users that are "archived" are found in a seperate section from the users who are still active in the business. Archived users still retain all their information and workflows that they have completed in Canyou and can be "un-archived" at any time.
- Navigate to the Users menu and click on the user you want to archive.

- Click on the user details menu (the 3 dots) and then click Archive

- Click Archive

- Great work 🙌 now we can see the user has been archived. We can still review any of their profile details and workflows, they just won't appear in the list with our current users. If at any time we wish to "un-archive" a user we can do it from the menu like so:

- To review our "archived" users we can do this by clicking on the Archived button in the users menu.