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Frequently Asked QuestionsSecurityPrivacy and personal informationDataAccounts

Frequently Asked Questions 🙋‍♂️

Some of our most common questions. Can't find what you need here? Email us at


Canyou ensures the security of your data by:

  • Only storing sensitive information in Australia
  • Ensuring that access to these systems is highly restricted and controlled
  • Using strong encryption to protect data communications
  • Requiring encryption between your device and our services
  • Limiting access to your data only to staff who have a need to access your information to perform a specific task or function
  • Encrypting all data at rest

What regulations does Canyou adhere to?

Canyou adheres to the regulations produced by Digital Service Providers Australia New Zealand in relation to addon security as well as any requirements imposed by our partners such as Xero.

Our Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Passwords and Authentication

Canyou does not store or use passwords to access our services. This removes the most common attack method used to gain access to users accounts such as reused passwords or frequently occurring passwords.

We allow users to authenticate with encrypted "magic links" sent directly to their emails over SSL, or directly through one of our login/signup providers (Xero, Google)


Canyou uses PCI compliant payment processors when handling credit card transactions. No credit card information is stored or is passed through our services.

Privacy and personal information

What does Canyou do with the personal information of its users?

We store user personal data in accordance with Australian regulations (Privacy Act 1988). Canyou does not sell any data to any third parties or affiliates. Information submitted on the platform is available to the administrators of the relevant organisation. The Canyou Privacy Policy can be found here.


How long will my data be stored?

Whilst an organisation has a valid Canyou subscription they will have access to all their data in perpetuity. If an organisations subscription has expired they can re-subscribe at any time to gain access to their account.


How do I close an organisations account?

Whenever an organisation wishes to close their account they can send a request for us to do so at

How do I close an personal account?

Whenever a user wishes to close their personal account they can send a request for us to do so at Canyou will delete the personal account however this will not delete any information that is held by the organisation in which it was submitted to. To have this data deleted the request must be made to the relevant organisation. The organisation can then send a request to to have the information permanently deleted.